• 14200 N Northsight Blvd. Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260
  • Call: (480)454-8414
  • Email : info@cognitive-care.com

Functional aging

Functional Aging

Aging with Intention

Functional Medicine


C38 older-couple

Proactive vs. Reactive Aging

Aging with Intention

Aging is a fact of life. While there is no way to avoid it, we do have some control over our rate of aging and are able to manage our quality of life as we age.

When we integrate positive practices with regard to nutrition, movement, sleep and self-care, we engage in in “intentional aging”. and will better be able sustain and active healthy lifestyle well into our later years. Our finely tuned bodies thrive on balance and self-care. Balance and self-care require proactive engagement in order to stay ahead areas where we may be deficient.

The majority of Americans suffer from “accidental aging” and struggle to maintain good quality of life in middle-age and beyond.

Functional Medicine involves understanding prevention, personalized medicine, and treatment of complex, chronic disease.

Functional Medicine

Individualized Care. The focus of functional medicine is on individualized care, created specifically for you. We use a science based holistic approach to our processes which include evaluating and addressing the function of the body’s systems. Underlying issues such as genetics, diet, and lifestyle play a large part in our rate of aging and the state of our health.

Integrating Best Practices. Functional Medicine integrates traditional Western medical practices with “holistic” medicine, creating a focus on prevention using the latest laboratory testing, other diagnostic techniques and prescribed combinations of:
– natural therapeutics and/or botanical medicines
– personalized supplements
– detoxification programs
– stress-reduction techniques

By using functional medicine, we can focus on identifying and addressing the underlying cause of illness and distress, rather than suppressing, or treating symptoms.


Functional Nutrition is the backbone to effectively prevent and even reverse chronic disease, as well as support cognitive health and general wellness.


A study published in Neurology found that a functionally nutritious diet increases total brain volume, potentially offsetting age-related brain shrinkage. The study established that people who eat a specific diet have bigger brains. Researchers found, after adjusting for age, sex, education, and physical activity, that a higher diet score was linked to larger total brain volume.

A series of six studies appearing in The Journal of Gerontology, found new correlations between a functional diet and healthy aging outcomes. The studies report on the positive relationship between a functional diet and physical and cognitive function, and the role of the diet in reducing inflammation.

The Cognitive Care Management® approach will educate you and lead you to excel in your functional nutrition status for better cognitive health and overall wellbeing.

Contact Us

We are experts and are ready to provide you with the tools and resources to allow you to age successfully.

(480) 454-8414

14200 N Northsight Blvd. Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85260